Aerial Resources
As professional aerialists and instructors, we are obligated to inform you of the risks involved with doing silks outside of a professional studio.
At Sky Craft, we’ve gone to great lengths to create a safe and fun environment for aerialists by furnishing our studio with the highest quality equipment available. Under our supervision, our student's life, health, and safety is our #1 priority every time they touch an aerial apparatus.
We also have a responsibility to keep our students informed and to give you the information needed to minimize risk when practicing outside of Sky Craft’s facilities.
Below is a document we've put together to help you make informed decisions about the types of equipment needed to safely rig aerial silks outside of the studio and things to consider about practicing safely.
We are here as a resource, please use us!!
Ask any & all questions you can think of.
Safety is always the highest priority, and safe practice is what keeps this art FUN!
Please click to download our at home aerial guide: